Tuesday, February 28, 2006

I Blame Technology

to all those lives lost in the beauty of hitech

You have been praised for speed,
you have been worshipped for efficiency,
but you killed my daddy,
in haste you consumed him,
in a motorcar accident,
forever he is gone,
I blame you oh technology!

That atomic bomb in Nairobi,
you maimed my uncle,
that plane crash in New York,
you destroyed precious lives,
you created the plane.. a mass coffin,
you invented the skycrapers,.. the destroyer,
I blame you oh technology.

You made medicine,.. and poison,
you thought out the jets,.. and the bombers,
you made the nuclear power,.. and the bomb,
i dread the solution,.. lazed with a problem,
I blame you oh technology.

Seronei arap Chelulei Cheison

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