Monday, December 03, 2007

PNU Campaign strategy deciphered

It is now apparent that even without straining we can see what PNU has gone out to do.
1. Ministers should take full blame from the people and absolve him from the same as much as possible. You will hear that in answer to allegations of insensitivity, arrogance and belligerence, his disciples have chosen to take the blows in order to sanitise him. In this light, you heard that it was not Kibaki but Kimunya who messed by dismissing the 'Mau Title deeds' as mere pieces of paper. Certainly the sting was taken from Kibaki, and since Kimunya is 'local' and doesn't fall within the constituency of those who were hurt and offended, you and I will be hoodwinked into seeing a harmless Kibaki 'surrounded by an arrogant mob of ministers'.

2. Identify pliable populations among the opposition-leaning communities and inundate them with pledge after pledge. Give them enough time to vent off their anger to harbingers like Uhuru Kenyatta and Njenga Karume to level the road for an eventual Kibaki visit. Why are Karume and Uhuru camping in Kipsigiisland? They have identified a fissure and waning of zest among certain quarters of the population. By camping in one section, they succeed in sowing seeds of suspicion.

3. On another front, they made sure that certain repugnant personalities are kept away from Kibaki. You will not see Governor Michuki in a Kibaki campaign, neither are you likely to see Nyachae in order to optimise the presence of youthful 'agents of confusion' like Uhuru Kenyatta, Mungatana and others.

4. Sustain a fear-mongering campaign to display the Kalenjiin for example as unsafe and vulnerable 'except in a Kibaki government'. You all heard of the leaflets (which message reached me at 8PM Kenyan time Mon, but which I initially doubted). If the aspect of fear is successfully instilled in the electorate, the gullible folk will troop to Kibaki's fold and 'kazi itaenderea'.

5. Sustain a negative media propaganda campaign against Raila.

6. Offer PNU and Kalonzo a deluge of state-media coverage while sustaining a tactful blackout on ODM activities.

7. Promote violence against Raila in PNU-leaning regions while potraying Kalonzo as harmless and barely threatening (and threatened) to the PNU campaign.

In view of these, how will civic education aimed at promoting rights awareness and help to make informed judgements be promoted?

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