Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Kibaki stole the election

Mr Mwai Kibaki stole the election using pliant and heavily compromised electoral commissioners whom he appointed. His second term is a bandit presidency and he hopes to prop it up using brutal police force, murdering innocent lives. Innocent Kenyans are butchering each other while he curdles at Statehouse deluding himself with the vein hope that Kenyans will tire out of street battles. Now the world knows Kibaki for who he is, a deformer rather than a reformer. Kenyans rejected him and 23 of his ministers. His party has ONLY 35 MPs while Mr Odinga’s party has 100 MPs-elect. Kibaki led in two out of Kenya’s eight provinces, Raila swept the other six. Does it make sense that then he becomes the winner?

The International Human rights organisations should move fast and probe police-sponsored genocide in Kenya. It is a human catastrophe there. There is a virtual state of emergency and people cannot buy food or seek medical attention. This is costing people a lot economically because Kibaki wants to batter the country to accept his stolen presidency. The International community MUST rise to the occasion and isolate Kibaki to force him give power to the people and the “Peoples’ President”, Raila Odinga. Anything less than that is to legitimise an overthrow of the constitution of Kenya. Act now before Kenyans flood world capitals seeking asylum.

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